Have you ever walked down the wine eisle and been completely overwhelmed? Where to start first? What would go good with my dinner? Is this a good deal or just cheap?
It is my duty to inform, review and keep you updated on everything from name brands vs. family owned, history, location and great deals on everyday wines.

Will you drink to that?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Lack of updates!! ACHOO!

Greetings and Salutations!

Many have wondered why I've been lacking on the updating. Simple answer? I've been sick. VERY, VERY SICK. It seems as though when I get over one sickness another one smacks me right back into bed. A few weeks ago I recently got over a very bad flu/cold/head cold/sinus infection combination only to be pushed right into extreme dental pain.


So in other words I have been permanently on pain killers, cold medicine, allergy medicine and in bed pretty much over an entire month. Joy unbound.

Unfortunetly, during my medicated haze, I lost my wine journal. So until it is found the Yellowtail reviews shall be put on hold. Luckily, with the holidays coming up, there shall be a constant stream of reviews on other, highly delcious brand and varietals.

Until next time!

*sniffle cough*

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