Have you ever walked down the wine eisle and been completely overwhelmed? Where to start first? What would go good with my dinner? Is this a good deal or just cheap?
It is my duty to inform, review and keep you updated on everything from name brands vs. family owned, history, location and great deals on everyday wines.

Will you drink to that?

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Yes....I am still alive.

Greetings and Salutations!

Please forgive the lack of updates, but life, the universe and everything likes to make sure that I am constantly running. *looks at previous posts*........Holy cow, it's been a while. Where have I been?!

Good news, though! This July I will be starting a series of wine events that will continue on through the year (and hopefully longer). In other words, I am buried under books and papers of research on our favorite wine  of the summer, Moscato! This series will continue on, each with a different theme ("Fall varietals", "What to serve with your turkey", "It's christmas and you've got a party-oh no!" and so forth).

Anywho, more wine reviews will be a coming and hopefully I'll survive that crazy, whirlwind of "fun" we call life. Onward and upward......I am off!

Until next time.....let there please be sunshine and a bottle of wine to keep us company.

Ah bientot!

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